
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tra la la la la...

I Love You, Sunday Sun...
The weeks not yet begun and everything is Quiet,
And Its always YOU&ME always and Forever!!

*step back to reality*
HELLO.... okie so here's the dish...
I'm Graduating this Saturday(have nothing to wear beneath the hideous rope?)
Cant hardly wait to Partay with my girls this Thursday!!! YIPPIE:)
I have a Ginormous PIMPLE on my Nose and seriously its bugging ME!! yeeww!!

Alright, complainning is NOT going to help!
Another 'insomnia evening' for the 44 hundred times this year!!

I was going to Blog about something AND I forgot what it was already...DAMN!
SO now i Type randomLESSly(huh) and hoping this will turn out to be some interesting post lah...
i miss baby. baby good.

Do you agree that MOST men have NO- ability to Listen or give Advises? haha..

I recall this particular incident where i was facing some 'crisis' and since most of my 'ears' are guys, i had this 'super long sadcase EMO' talk with him; HOPING for some good to come out of the whole an hour and hallf conversation BUT guess wat? after pouring out my HEART/SOUL and the few teardrops, the fella hands me a tissue and tells me : "Alarr Mandy, Be Cool??"..BE COOL? Are You Shitting Me? Is that the BEST you've got??? OMG...Kill me! PLS!! Den he goes on about "Loving myself first and being strong and dont let the world get to ME?" ermmm!!!!????

OKIE....i think I've said enough..PLUS I STRONGLY THINK you wouldn' wanna hear the 16 minutes of nonsense i had to bear and hear coming out from his mouth!!(repeating it would cost me)-the preppy talk he gave me has NO-What-SO-Ever Relevant to my 'Crisis'...In he End, I fake a Toilet Visit!! mmmph!!God Bless HIM!!

p.s= I appreciate ur presence bro'.

If Men actually take the time to Listen then maybe Us Girls wouldnt have to much to complain or refer em' as dogs? aiyaa...WHY bother anyways...MEN..
okie lah IM Done!
-pinching pimple-